Friday, January 14, 2011


I really though I'd use this more; haha. But I have no idea what to "blog" about. Meh; my blog's soo interesting!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Lovee

Well; I've had some time to think today while the twins were in daycare.
And I've been thinking about this past weekend, and what not.
I have realized how in love I am :) I really, really am. Although we are 300+ miles away right now, I love him with all my heart and couldn't ever imagine being with anyone else.

I don't think anyone else sees it, but he's truly an amazing boyfriend, he pretty much does whatever he can to get the twins AND me anything we need, or want. I honestly couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Although we may have broken up and gotten back together nine freakin' times, hopefully this is the last time, everything just feels right.

I love you Jason Michael Cummins; with all my heart, til death do us part ♥

First Post!

Hey! So, it's been a while since I actually "blogged," ha.
Thought I'd start one up, because I'm bored, and my babies are in daycare.